Contact Linen hygiene

Contact lens cleaning:
Hard lenses have dinner with a special cleaning solution eingerieben and then rinsed off. Wash but previously necessarily the hands! About 40% of contact lens makers forget this rule.

Contact lens storage:
The storage solution must be renewed every day. Also, you should tank lenses every few months and exchange between clean. e.g. with a peroxide solution and fill in during the day are reversed.

Soft lenses:
are thinner and more sensitive, they are not mechanically cleaned, disinfected. It recommended peroxide solutions, however, you must neutralize before the lens reinstated else suffers the eye. There are solutions or neutralizing tablets. For those who constantly lenses, offers cleaning products without preservatives, while occasional makers should not do it, otherwise grow mushrooms.

Complete Systems:
Pflegmittel with only one suitable opportunity for policy makers.

Protein remover:
Protein deposits on the contact lenses offer excellent hotbeds for bacteria. They must therefore 1x per week using an enzyme tablet removed.