Beauty at the expense of health insurance?

Who will be beautiful, must be involved in operations with high costs. But in some cases, the sickness funds to pay. Basically when a disease such as for back and posture problems caused by too large and heavy breasts. Patients should be treated with their health insurance, because of a takeover of the costs will only decide in individual cases.

Natural blemishes like a crooked nose are usually not at the expense of cash corrected. One such operation is considered cosmetic treatment. Exception: health problems - e.g. if a tortuous nose restricts breathing. Then pay the fund.

Selbstverursachte blemishes such as tattoos - typical youth sins that you would like to get rid of, or ugly scars caused by Pier Sing emerged rings are not at the expense of the fund. The patient must be the distance as well as treatment for inflammation of the bodies themselves.

Blemishes after accidents or as consequences of diseases are typically used as fund performance. This includes e.g. the elimination of internal combustion scars and the restoration of a breast tumor after treatment.