Real cold or flu?

The symptoms of colds and flu can be very similar. But whether it is a harmless cold or an actual infection with influenza viruses, can lay is difficult to identify. Look in case of doubt necessarily a physician.

As a guide can serve the following information:

- The influenza occurs almost abruptly, while a conventional creeping cold is in full swing.
- Influenza is almost always with fever, muscle pain and fatigue associated. These symptoms are a traditional cold rather rare and not always occur simultaneously.
- Colds, however, occurs in connection with influenza rather rare, when a cold is almost always.

Tip: Protect yourself against a flu vaccination.

Rules for full food

1. Versatile Food
Enjoy the food diversity. There is no healthy, unhealthy or even forbidden foods. On the quantity, selection and combination there.

2. Cereal products - several times a day and plenty of potatoes
Bread, pasta, rice, cereals, preferably from whole grain, and potatoes contain little fat. But they have plenty of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and fibre and secondary plant materials.

3. Vegetables and fruit - Take 5 on the day…
Enjoy 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day, preferably fresh, cooked only briefly, or as juice - the ideal way to each main meal and also as a snack: This takes plenty of vitamins, minerals and fiber and secondary plant substances such as carotenoids and flavonoids supplies . The best thing you can do for your health.

4. Daily milk and milk products, once a week, fish, meat, sausages and eggs in moderation
These foods contain valuable nutrients, like calcium in milk, iodine, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids in fish. Meat is due to the high contribution of free iron and vitamins B1, B6 and B12 beneficial. Quantities of 300 to 600g of meat and sausage per week is sufficient. If you prefer low-fat products, especially meat products and dairy products.

5. A little fat and fatty foods
Big rich foods usually taste particularly good. Too much dietary fat makes bold and promotes long-term development of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Keep about the fat in food borders. 70-90 grams of fat a day, preferably vegetable origin, provide sufficient life (essential) fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins and round the taste of food. That makes a good third less fat than before. Look for the hidden fat in meat products and some confectionery, dairy products and biscuits.

6. Sugar and salt in moderation
Enjoy sugar and added sugar to food or drink only occasionally. Creative seasoning with herbs and spices and a little salt. Use in any case iodized salt.

7. Plenty of liquid
Water is vital. Do you drink about 1.5 litres of fluid each day. Alcoholic beverages should only occasionally and then in small quantities are consumed. In men are the 0.5 liter beer or 0.25 litres of wine or 0.06 liters of alcohol per day, half for women. This represents about 20 milliliters or 25 grams of pure alcohol.

8. Tasty and carefully prepared
They cook their meals at the lowest possible temperature, as far as it is short, with little water and little fat. This is the natural taste, conserves nutrients and preventing the formation of harmful compounds.

9. Take your time, enjoy your meal
Conscious Food helps to eat properly. The eye eats. Let your time when eating. This is fun, suggests that many access and promotes the feeling of satiety.

10. Pay attention to your desired weight and stay in motion
With the right weight you feel comfortable and with plenty of movement remain in momentum. Do something for fitness, well-being and your figure.

Evening no vitamins

Actually, they are not enough vitamins to take. In the evening, however, you should hold back. Because vitamins stimulate the metabolism and can be for people to sleep disorders.

Do not therefore be a late hour high vitamins, such as multi-vitamin tablets, marketplace.

Sunbathing strengthens the vision

To stimulate your photoreceptor cells: Bathe regularly morning or evening quarter hour in the sun. Close your eyes and enjoy the warmth. Move the eyeballs and the head now and again. So is the light from all sides.

The heat stimulates the bleeding in the eyes. These are better supplied with oxygen and you will see better.

Worse sleep with alcohol

The one, two beer in the evening may be relaxing and tiring work. For a good sleep but they do not care. Alcohol affects relaxirrend so heavily on relaxing muscles. This also affects the muscles of the throat and upper respiratory tract. The result: With alcohol may otherwise quiet sleepers to Schnarchern.

Moreover, the nightcap existing sleep problems. People with the inclination to Atemaussetzern during sleep (sleep apnea) may promote their problem with alcohol.

As organic solvents alcohol dampening effect on the central nervous system. This disturbs the normal sleep schedule and the change in the sleep stages. With the reduction in the alcohol effect is often wakes after three or four hours and is having problems again einzuschlafen.

In addition, specially beer diuretic - one during the night on the toilet, which unnecessarily interrupted sleep.

Healthy teeth through proper oral hygiene

While children and young people always better to their oral hygiene care is the dental health of adults in middle age badly.

This is the result of a study by the University of Freiburg clinic under the direction of Prof. Hellwig, was published in 1999. More than 90 percent of the participants were gum inflammation and bleeding gums with a high proportion of dental caries at the root diagnosed.

The KKH Commercial health insurance has the opportunity in its members magazine four basic rules for dental hygiene to formulate the so-called four pillars of prevention.

It is recommended…

…At least twice daily, morning after breakfast and evening before bedtime, to clean the teeth;

Sweet… largely to avoid the potential sugar drinks to take and varied and fibre food to eat, to stimulate vigorous chewing;

…Regularly and in sufficient quantity Fluoride (fluoridhaltige toothpastes or preparations) to apply because they protect against tooth decay among others;

…Twice a year to the dentist to go so small mutilated bodies detected at an early stage and large damage does not even arise.

So, you will have a hangover los

Alcohol consumption without remorse does not exist. The next morning is a hangover in the neck. Nausea, headache and dizziness are the symptoms.

Causes you will, inter alia, by dehydrierende effect of alcohol. The missing body fluid (the so-called fire) and especially lots of minerals, together with the urine.
Accordingly, the body fluid and salt them. A whole-wheat bread with ham as well as the classic Rollmops work miracles. This orange juice, and you feel reborn.

Have you also stomach problems, you should refrain from hearty breakfast. The best drink plenty of mineral water as the liquid budget right back into the lot to move. A Alka-Seltzer-Effervescent helps the body with the consequences of alcohol consumption to be completed.

Incidentally, even beverage to be learnt:
- Stay at a variety of alcohol
- Avoid heavily sugar alcohol (liqueurs, punch, sweet wine), hot drinks (grog, mulled wine) and kohlesäurehaltiges (champagne, prosecco)
- Avoid also as far as possible on smoking, because nicotine and alcohol together have a devastating effect
-… And above all: Do you drink little!

If you then before bedtime a resolution Alka-Seltzer drinking, the hangover the next morning almost no chance.

Refrigeration is poison for sore throat

Frequently one hears the advice, sore throat much ice to eat. This would promote healing. Who on this, certainly well-intentioned Council hears guaranteed his illness worsened.

The Council is based on a false return conclusion: After a neck-and almond operation, doctors prescribe "a lot of ice cream. It serves the ice but not the cure of inflammation, but about the Abschwellen of surgical wounds.

For neck pain caused by an inflammation caused, helps the other hand, in addition to the usual activities of heat, such as a scarf.

Alleviate cold salt water

Triefenden back of your nose with salt water body:

Mix a pinch of salt with a quarter litre of lukewarm water. Fill this in a nasal shower. This special device to get at the pharmacy.

Alternatively, you operate an old, empty nasal spray. Make sure the old bottle carefully cleaned, disinfected as possible.

Open the shutter and fill out the salt water. Spray the mixture of three clashes every hour in each nostril. This solves the mucus and reduces the swelling of the nasal mucous membranes.

A steam bath onion gives additional relief:

Cut a small onion, while half a liter of water heat. Pour the hot water together with the onion in a bowl wärmefeste. Breathing the fumes. Caution: The steam is very hot at the beginning!

Relieve sore throat

Mildern you sore throat, gargle you by:

Mix a half teaspoon of salt with a quarter litre of lukewarm water. Rinse so your throat area. The mixture of anti-inflammatory effect.

As an alternative to salt water use honey water. Verrühren two teaspoons of honey with a half a liter of boiling water. Enter the cooled liquid into the juice pressed a fresh lemon.

Cold: Much drinking

Complaints by verschleimte respiratory tract, you can alleviate two measures:

1. Much drinking. This keeps the mucus fluid.

2. Make sure you have enough humidity in the room. For example, by using a wet cloth on the heater. Dry air unnecessarily irritating to the respiratory tract.

Cold: Beware of nasal spray

Nasal sprays relieve colds Although complaints, but in improper use of Bakterienschleuder. This means at least those available in pharmacies journal "Health". The problem: By pressing the bottle is the first spray in the nose. Lockert then the pressure can keimhaltiges sucked in nasal secretions, which back the next time use in the nose is distributed.

Therefore, it is advised: Spray bottles in the nose together, rausziehen and only then ease the pressure so that sucked in clean air. Also nose drops pipettes in this way should be applied.

Dry Skin: Eincremen in winter is particularly important

Sebaceous glands contribute significantly to the formation of the protective fatty layer of skin. However, cold affected its function. At minus temperatures, the glands even their work.

For example, scientists have found that by the sebaceous glands produced fat at 20 degrees Celsius at a speed of about three millimeters per second spread. At lower temperatures slowed the spread significantly, up to a standstill from about -8 degrees Celsius. The result is: The Big protective film is thinner and its quality deteriorates.

Therefore, you should be careful in winter, their skin very well to maintain. Use regular skin cream, especially after washing, showers or bath.

Body Care: How to become a foot odor los

A delicate problem of many men and women sweat odor in the feet. Responsible for the bacteria are favored by moisture sweat residue decompose.

Frequently also helps conscientious washing socks and daily change. In this case you should try the following measures:

1. Wearing only shoes in which they have little or no sweating. Proven have here an easy sport shoes, such as Salomon X-Hiker. Avoid any case in sneakers and shoes from nichtatmungsaktiven materials.

But beware: shoes with the so-called functional membranes such as Goretex Sympatex equipped or do not have to be necessarily very breathable. The function membrane can also have the task of the shoe to make watertight as possible at large, but not optimal respiratory activity.

2. Change the shoes every day where you just nichtgetragene couple in the fresh air (balcony, window) auslüften well.

3. Use every day and plenty of foot powder. For example, by Efasit (pharmacy). Sprinkle it in the shoe into it. Because the powder not only binds moisture but also to combat the bacteria in geruchsbildenden shoe.

Showers instead of Baden

Showers is better than swimming. First, because there is less water and hence less energy for hot water. On the other hand, because it is better for the skin.

In the bathtub, the skin much longer the harmful influence of soap (shampoo and bubble) than under the shower. Who problems with the skin - such as by atopic dermatitis, psoriasis or simply by drying out the skin - should therefore refrain from bathing and prefer short under the shower.

Incidentally, skin problems can not normally through the use of pH-neutral soap. Here help only seifenfreie Waschstücke and Waschlotionen from the pharmacy.

Hard contact lenses for people with allergies

The German Green Cross fehlsichtigen advises allergy sufferers to hard rather than soft contact lenses.

Since contact lenses in itself irritate the eyes, allergies should actually wear glasses. Those who do not want or can be at least hard contact lenses are. This along with the more commonly used allergy eye drops.

Dr. Gudrun Bischoff, head of the working group contact lenses in the eyes of German doctors called in a press release of the German Green Cross the reason: "in contrast to the hard lenses larger pores are deposited into the soft lenses molecules of the eye drops, the soft lenses to discolor them and solve substances out to the conjunctiva and cornea irritation. "

Hard contact lenses, however, may already about 15 minutes after the application of anti-allergic eye drops safely reinstated.

Tips for hay fever

If you have hay fever, consider these tips:

- Find out against what pollen you are allergic. This is best for your family physician.

- Find out in a Pollen calendar on the occurrence of pollen to which you are allergic response.

- Learn about the current Pollen warnings in daily newspapers and radio.

- Pollen will mainly be released the morning, usually around six clock: Uncover therefore your bedroom at night, close the window in the early morning and keep it closed during the day.

- Keep up for you during the critical Pollen little time as possible outdoors and avoid strenuous sporting activities.

- Put your vacation as possible in the time of your pollen and stay in pollenarme areas on the coast or in the mountains.

- Wash your hair daily, because there are pollen.

- For car trips should the windows closed. If your car does not pollen filter, ask your dealer if you can retrofit this filter.

- Wear glasses or sunglasses to the pollen from the eyes to keep away.

Deo remedy for sensitivity

Get an application for a reddish deodorants, pruritic rash in the Achselgegend, then you are probably victims of an allergy.

Most doctors and pharmacists advise in such a case for the use of "soft" or "mild" Deos without fragrances and alcohol.

If this is you do not help, then you may be allergic to aluminium. This is in the form of aluminum oxide or Aluminiumhydroxychlorid (an aluminum salt) in almost every deodorant, even in the supposedly soft.

Ask at the pharmacy without Deos specifically for aluminum. If your pharmacist can not help, then ask, for example, a deodorant company Vichy. However, this at a price of nearly 15 Mark quite expensive.

Thinning - but without the right diet

Who is overweight, a diet. Where the landläufige opinion. Science is a long time ago but disagree:

Who is hungry, does not. Instead, the body accustomed to the fact that he live with less food. If the diet then canceled again as before further eaten, the body the food surplus in even more fat cells.

Calculated the matter is quite simple: The man is increasing, if it contains more energy in the form of food assumes when he consumed.

Therefore is the motto for removing "Sports and sports and more sports." But please correct: walking, swimming, running what you always fun. But at least every other day for one hour. And always the case that we are not out of breath. Fat burning works best if you are easily entertained at a sports event.

Dick does not make sweets

Who wants to decline, we must not forgo sweets. Contrary to popular belief does not necessarily make sweets thick. It is the grease that thick. There is smoke in quantities in chocolate, cakes and pastries. In Caramel, it is the cream and butter and also in most other Nascherein is fat in huge quantities. Real Big bombs are, for example, the various bars for the small hunger between meals.

Food, however, you may as much as they want Gummibärchen, gummed and candies. In the interest of your teeth but you should prefer sugar candies.

For diarrhoea much to drink

When diarrhea is especially important to the fluid and mineral salt to compensate for loss. Doctors recommend up to four litres of liquid a day to drink.

Electrolyte powder from the pharmacy contains glucose, sodium, potassium and chloride. It helps the body, the mineral salt loss. An alternative to Electrolyt powder are fruit juices and salt sticks. The children especially sweetens the disease.

Is the worst over, rusks, white bread, husked rice or noodles (not whole grain and without sauce) are eaten. Later may also bananas, carrots and apples the diet supplement. The latter are best eaten grated to the digestive system to charge as little as possible.

After two to three days of diarrhea should be passed. Taking special preparations is usually not necessary. If the diarrhea longer, it should in any case, a doctor consulted. Because there is a risk of a serious illness.

Minerals in the food store

Minerals are essential food components for the body.

How do I prepare food and get the minerals:

- Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, but water is not. Because minerals are water-soluble and will be lost.

- Meat, fruit and vegetables Always wash, then cut.

- When cooking dissolved minerals are still in the water. Use the cooking water from vegetables still possible for soups or sauces.

- Generally go when cooking minerals lost more than the vapours or Dünsten.

Pilz courts do not warm up again: Curse!

Again and again, one hears that mushroom dishes are not up. But even the best cookbooks hide why. The answer is the book "chemicals in food" the environmental group catalysis Cologne eV

Quote: Mushrooms should not be able to warm up. The reason is the high content of protein and amino acids, which mushrooms prepared by atmospheric oxygen and bacteria in a very short time to uric acid, ammonia and several amino acids highly decomposed. In addition, all fungi instead of otherwise normal cellulose plant in a skeleton from chitin, a nitrogenous substance and easily perishable. The symptoms of such poisoning are abdominal pain, vomiting and nerve damage, in some cases can have fatal. "

Incidentally, canned mushrooms by blanching (immersion in boiling water) and then packing luftdichtes preserved. Even these mushrooms after cooking may not re-up.

Heat: So you sweat less

Some people sweat more, some less. Who belongs to the latter, especially in the summer not much to laugh. It is Achselnässe and body odor often the lesser problem. Who, for example, in the workplace nassgeschwitzt quickly perform his work environment must be seriously can catch a cold. The clothes on wet skin rubs, promoted or difficult skin diseases such as neurodermatitis. Reasons enough, the sweating to an end.

Basically, if you sweat too much tend to coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages and especially to avoid spicy food. All this suggests that the sweat.

If that alone does not help, you should verify the doctor or pharmacist for advice. For example, there are so-called anti-with the aid of aluminum salts narrow the sweat glands and thereby inhibit the sweat. Such funds are much more effective than in the Deos contained Deodorantien of only the sweat decomposition and thus prevent the body odor. But beware: Not everyone can tolerate these funds. For some, they itchy skin redness to severe allergic reactions

In serious cases, medical treatment can help. For example, the sweat glands under the armpits remove or close down. Also treatment with drugs is possible. It is for the sweat responsible messenger substance blocked.

Prepare vegetables vitaminschonend

When cooking vegetables go through the heat vitamins lost. Nevertheless, in order as many of the valuable substances, you should therefore focus on a gentle preparation ensured.

The best is a pot with steam use. Here, the vegetables cooked in hot steam. As a result, a maximum of vitamins maintained.

But even with this preparation method, the vegetables were not weichgekocht. Only if it still bites, all vitamins still there.

You will receive pots of steam use in any well-stocked household goods business. However, they do not usually come cheap, because you usually from the major brand manufacturers. Cheap Noname products are the exception. With costs from 50 to 150 Mark therefore you should.

With a diet sweetener to forgo

If you want to decrease, then it may be useful in sweet substances such as Sachharin, cyclamate and aspartame should be avoided. Many nutritionists in fact represented the opinion that artificial sweeteners known as sweet hunger stir.

Sweeteners gaukeln the body, he would slightly sweet, sugar. The body reacts to, but do not get sugar for processing. The desire for sweet persists and leads sooner or later, but that hunger with hot chocolate and other sweets to be adopted.

Better it is not real sugar to renounce but simply less to eat.

Tips for healthy diet

Cravings is the enemy of any diet. If you are the sudden desire for chocolate or succumb to Hamburg, however, make the whole Diättag destroyed.

This is based, an effective and healthy diet on a daily fat intake of less than 30 grams a chocolate bar alone, however, up to 50 grams of Dickmachers.

You can hot-hunger seizures effectively using your stomach constantly. Good take into account the diets and are therefore mostly made up of three major and two snacks.

If you are still hungry for hot, then eat in between still nibble fruit or vegetables such as carrots or pepper strips. Even a few bars and salt and forth again Gummibärchen are allowed. You will see the urge for unhealthy snacks will disappear.

It is important that you are familiar with the Knabberei pre-empt the cravings. If you try it, then it's already too late. They will then no longer so easy to get rid of. The result is dissatisfaction and sooner or later the demolition of the diet.

No teeth cleaning to fruit and sweet

Who value to dental care sets, is tempted, after the Sweets immediately to clean the teeth. This is for the Kauwerkzeuge a useless torture.

Because the acidity in the mouth when you eat fruits and sweets arises attacks the enamel. If now the mechanical stress by the toothbrush added, is the protection of outer teeth easily damaged, making them vulnerable to attacks.

Better yet, after the Sweets mouth flushed out with water and with the groom still waiting for an hour.

Poultry and prepare salad separately

Poultry may contain salmonella. Normally this is not problematic because the agent with the cooking of poultry die.

But there is a danger stove: If you prepare chicken, then the cutting board for not cutting lettuce or other fresh food served. Because of the board and the meat juice or Abtauwasser come salmonella on salad.

Similarly, you should not use the same knife and after the preparation of poultry thoroughly wash their hands - especially under the fingernails.

Nature Medicine: Power Plant against rheumatism pain

In the search for effective medical products side increase in natural herbal substances.

The weed contain substances used in the treatment of arthritis prove highly effective. Brenneselextrakt dampens the effect of endogenous cytokines, messenger substances of the immune system.

Devil's claw:
Schmerzlindern and anti-inflammatory effect of the dry extract Harpago South African roots. Studies also show a success for back pain.

Grazing cattle:
Our most important painkillers, acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin short, is derived from a substance Winder. Meanwhile, is the original natural substance itself as magenfreundlicheres rheumatism medicine.

Does antirheumatisch. This makes the traditional Indian medicine has long taken advantage. Pharmacologists can now declare: The incense shrubs contain anti-inflammatory Boswellisäuren.

Who needs more vitamins

How well we vitamins supplies will depend on our food and nutrition practices. Those who are fully nourished, takes plenty of vitamins. Strong deficiency symptoms are rare in this country. Specific charges, e.g. by pregnancy, diet or smoking strong, but a higher vitamin needs arise - additional vitamins have her:

- Pregnant and lactating women have an increased need for vitamin A, C, B1, B6 and folic acid.

- Heavy smokers (20 cigarettes per day) will need 40 percent more vitamin C than non-smokers.

- Those who drink alcohol regularly, should be equipped with additional B-vitamins supply.

- Who more than 50 years old, needs vitaminreicheres food as younger ones, because the body with increasing age absorbs vitamins.

- Who makes a slimming, can also have problems: Many diet programs are very one-sided, the vitamins are too short.

- Who will take medicines regularly, can - without having to remember - with vitamins unterversorgt. Some drugs, e.g. Antibiotics and the pill, inhibit the vitamin intake.

- Who in a metropolitan or near a large industrial settlement lives, we need more antioxidants (vitamin E), the aggressive cells from oxygen compounds called free radicals.

Athletes need more B vitamins and antioxidants.

- Who is under stress - such as chronic diseases are stress for the body - has increased vitamin needs.

Tips for healthy sleep

Approved you a real break for the activities of the day (walking, reading, listening to music, relaxation exercises).

* Ritualisiert to your bed-walking phase: herbal tea, milk, a bath (valerian, balm, lavender), diary - an end of the day, you harmony. Tasks and problems for the next day record.
* Design your bedroom so that you feel comfortable (temperature, humidity, ambience, healthy mattress).
* If possible, always at the same time to bed, even on weekends. (Exceptions prove the rule.)
* Following the signals your body, and the recovery Irin him when he calls. Not overcome the deadlock.
* Esst evening (after 21 clock) nothing heavy, fat or Sharp. This stimulates the stomach, the intestines and the brain.
* Avoid evening coffee (stimulating), alcohol (schlaferzwingend acts such as barbiturates, but disturbs the sleep cycle and reduces the deep sleep) and nicotine (gefäßverengend).
* No sport in the late evening. At least 4 hours before bedtime! No physical high-performance, the stimulating effect also for body and soul and affects sleep significantly.
* If you suffer from sleep disorders: No lunch nap!
* Sedatives or sleeping medication in acute crisis situations!
* Prepares you up the so that you can forward (alarm not to the last minute, prepare a good breakfast).
* Take for something beautiful morning!

Around the Sleeping

Allegedly, the sleep before midnight the healthiest. Is this true?
This is individually different. The most valuable are the first four to five hours after falling asleep. Ensuring the morning after waking up again to turn brings on the other hand, hardly anything.

Are sleeping eight hours a day for each the right measure?
The average need for sleep is slightly lower. But there are people who need twelve hours. Others come with five hours. It's like the animal world: learn a giraffe sleeps only 20 minutes per day, a bat against 20 hours.

Should late rather just go to bed, early to hochzukommen easily?
The rest behavior depends on many factors: genetic predisposition, gender, age, season, personal situation. Sleep habits are changing, but not entirely compatible. Who his life late risers, is never a good breakfast - just the reverse.

Is this a dead sleep, unproductive phase?
Not at all. The brain is like a computer. It holds firmly experiences as a PC data on the hard disk. In the sleeping brain learned our stores, deletes superfluous knowledge while creating the necessary space for future new impressions to work with.

Dry eyes by computer work: How to Protect Yourself

Scraping, burning, redness, swollen eyelids, light sensitivity and eye at work on the computer: symptoms of a "dry eye" - a disease in which the eye's surface is not enough tears wetting. In Germany alone suffer from 10 to 12 million people in it. The cause is often the personal environment - mainly office work on the screen. It is the frequency of Lidschläge low. Only regular Lidschläge keep the cornea clear.

To bow before you and protect your eyes:
1. Pay attention to the correct distance between the screen and the eye: In common 17-inch monitors and word processing are 55 cm optimal.
2. The right light is important: best daylight. If you work in artificial lighting, this should be 400 to 600 lux strength.
3. Make sure the air is not too dry - you are in doubt during the Heizsaison air-conditioned rooms or in a humidifier or Zimmerbrunnen.
4. Your eyes need to have sufficient oxygen. Uncover regularly or go into the lunch break in the fresh air walk.
5. Make regular work breaks: Lift the view from the screen and look out the window. Fix is a very distant point. The relieve your eyes.
6. Avoid drafts and cigarette smoke: Both the tears can quickly evaporate.
7. When driving a car that the beam of the fan directly on the eyes is addressed.

Krankmacher at Work

1st Ventilation:
Fresh air is in many offices in short supply. Rule of thumb: All three hours for five minutes the windows wide open. Even if the office on a busy street, the pollution is tolerable. Air conditioning systems do not allow colds or concentration disrupting. They spread germs into all areas of a building. Also: if you have a window, air conditioning, and despite air.

2nd Lamps:
Improper lighting leads to headaches and eye burning. Ophthalmologists recommend a brightness from 400 to 600 lux, which represents a 60-watt Glübirne in 1.50 metres. Dimmer adjust the lighting conditions to light. Punktartiges light from desk lamps überanstrengt eyes quickly. In general, light parallel to the view direction. Workers rely on the display screen regulation, Annex 16th The calls lamps, not hide, and adjustable sun protection.

3rd Temperature:
Workplaces guidelines require an ideal temperature in offices from 20 to 22 degrees. In the summer, the thermometer inside sometimes up to 26 degrees. rise. However, the work performance at even higher temperatures well. Physical rule: If the room temperature, reduce the relative humidity. Long-term can lead to chronic respiratory infections. So offices not overheat.

4th Printer:
In Action encounter laser printer toxic substances such as benzene and styrene. The inhalation, the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and bronchi irritate. Lots of fresh air distributes the gases. Important: The ausströmende air must not jump to the workplace. Best option: Out with the troublemakers peace. The same applies to noisy dot matrix printer.

5th Office chair:
Poor posture triggers tension, the discs suffer through miscarriage or overload. The right to körpergerechte office chairs is in the annex to the display screen regulation, paragraph 11 certificates. Ergonomic Do: 40 to 50 centimeters high backrest and swivel function. For unverkrampftes work should the front seat to fall. Older models seat equip workers with wedges of Health. Frequent change of attitude helps with Stehpulten or knee seats and seat balls. Replace the ergonomic desk chair is not.

6th Monitor:
Screen work is maximum performance for the eyes. Reflections on the Write Matt strict addition. Is the monitor directly in front of the windows, hides the sun, and the bright light weakens the screen contrasts. PC users sitting with her back to the window reflected clouds or opposite the building on the monitor. Reflection-free work is possible if the screen at right angles to the window. So hochkrempeln sleeves and the screen change.

7th Bildschirmflimmern:
The refresh rate is how often the image on the screen per second rebuilt. After the display screen regulation, the value of 73 Hz, recommended more than 85 Hz If the number is below the minimum threshold, his chief of staff to push new acquisition - the health of the employee's sake. A low frequency leads to the effort of the eyes. Especially augenschonend because flicker-free, flat screens. When there is no legal entitlement.

8th Desk:
For the surface: visors. After the display screen regulation, the table does not reflect or irritation. This means that black and white or eliminated. Matt gray mouse makes the race. Tip: A grey desk edition swallows the light.

9th Cable:
Not only order fanatics rümpfen of cable clutter the nose. Verhedderte build cable electromagnetic fields. The nervousness or can cause headaches. Tips: untangle cables, mice aufrollen in cable or many short cables to connect multiple plugs.

10th Flooring:
The false covering burdened air and health. The best are natural materials such as linoleum, floor, cork. In carpets feel well house dust mites, allergies react with respiratory tract irritation. Synthetic rubber coverings can be carcinogenic gases such as rivet ausdünsten Rosa mine. Who needs to work, you ask for the control of air Chad substance values to the employer. If on the deaf ear, provide staff councils, security officers or doctors Protect assistance.

11st Plants:
Green is an important tool Müllschlucker in the office. In green office employees rarely complain of nervousness, infections, headaches or cardiovascular problems. Explanation: plants convert the people of exhaled carbon dioxide into oxygen. The largest green area, the more effective the conversion work. Fast-growing plants are fine. Schadstofffresser are special ivy, green lily, or Dragon Ficus tree. Important: Before office clerks to gardeners, they must be their bosses to be okay for the office greening ask.

Tips for dealing with allergies

The prevention of allergies contacts is always the most important strategy to prevent unpleasant allergy complaints to protect:

Do you plan to leave and trips to the Pollen calendar or the local predictions. And let a pollen filter in the ventilation of the car's instructions. The best time for walking or jogging hours immediately after a rain cast, then the air is especially clear.

Room air:
When airing note: in the city morning and fly morning less pollen, in the country Late afternoon and evening. Mold and mite allergies should be regularly durchlüften. Your charming Quälgeister are dust and like a hot humid climate. In any case, we recommend that regular vacuuming eyes - look on with special Micro Devices filters. And to avoid unnecessary dust.

Especially in the high phase of your allergy, you should not additional strain. Z.B. Car exhaust can the allergic reaction to pollen worsen, and high levels of ozone stressen the body. Smoking is not only a cancer risk, secretes also promotes the onset of allergies, especially among children.

Career choice:
Let the doctor advised, because not everyone is training for allergic or asthmatic suitable, for example Hairdresser.

Showers and Maintain:
As a pollen allergy, if you come home at night, change clothes, shower and wash their hair. Use mild skin care products, which do not irritate the skin and may trigger eczema. For allergy to preservatives in the ingredients of products eighth.

Cleaning and washing:
If possible little skin contact is the motto, the same is true for water: Too much washing hands or showering attacks the skin and makes them very porous and fragile. Then eincremen. The best washing powder without dye and perfume additives.

Wasps and bees:
Outdoor nothing sweet to eat or drink (Wasps also love ham), perfume and grellbunte, fluttering clothing refrain, not run barefoot and "visual contact? absolutely calm, not herumfuchteln.

Indicator for allergies

Juckende and red eyes, itchy throat as through food, Fließschnupfen, stuffy nose and sneezing irritation to respiratory problems and irritation cough.

Skin features:
Juckende hives, as after contact with a nettle (hives), swelling as after a trick, red itchy eczema e.g. by metal buttons

Anaphylaktischer shock: tingling in the palms and soles, itching all over the body, paleness, vomiting, palpitations, sweating, circulatory collapse is possible - Emergency call!

The most common allergy triggers

Allergy hit parade. Figures in percent of the population. Many people respond to several allergy triggers, so the misleading total of 66%.

3% insecticide:
After a random states with an allergy to act quickly. Each year more than 3000 Affected by a doctor supplies. The often violent reaction can be fatal to otherwise shock. An emergency pharmacy should always be there.

3% latex:
This is particularly allergy doctors and medical personnel. They must have at the eighth latex rubber materials, such as Gloves. Beware of cross-reactions with bananas, avocados and the popular indoor plant Ficus benjamini.

5% Pharmaceuticals:
The antibiotic penicillin is a known trigger for drug allergies. But many react to certain drugs with more intolerant (Pseudoallergie) than with a real allergy, for example, the painkiller Acetylalicylsäure.

6% Moulds:
With the start of the Heizsaison is usually started: cold, watery eyes and sneezing stimulus plagued the allergy. The reason for this is through the air swirling mold spores. Important: regular air, wet areas and dry wall posts and eliminate fungus, in the summer wet grass and earth to avoid.

6% food:
At the top of the charts: glutenhaltige cereals, followed by chicken eggs, nuts, soy, milk, fish and shellfish. The seasoning celery is one of them. An genuine allergies only about 1% of the population, for most it is an intolerance. -- Common: Cross hay fever allergies

7% Nickel:
The earlier children e.g. Earrings get, the greater their risk for a nickel contact allergy. Incidentally, gold and sterling silver not quite nickel, for example, is better Titan. This is particularly true for the current modern piercing rings.

10% house dust mites:
Who throughout the year lower cold suffers, could be an allergy to house dust mites have developed. These spiders animals or their aftermath are almost everywhere in the dust. They love especially mattresses, carpets, Knudles, curtains and Bettvorleger. Children need but not to their beloved teddy refrain when he regularly washed at 60 degrees or on ice? .

10% animal hair:
Even if the guinea pig is still as sweet: allergic reactions should be better in other hands emergence faithful against cat and dog hair. But not the hair itself allergen effect, but the animal liable to saliva. In infants and small children should first renounce entirely on pets, even though the experts here do not quite agree.

16% flower pollen:
In Germany suffer at least 16% of the population to hay fever or pollen allergy. The complaints can be in spring with the first flowers of hazel, alder or birch begin throughout the summer triggered by grasses, so they finally fall in with the Verblühen of mugwort to end. That unlucky but not all, most react to individual pollen groups such as Grasses.

Living toxins from fungi and plant protection products

From asthma to concentration disorders: These symptoms are the first warning signs:

Asthma, colds, cough, allergic skin reactions, headaches, fatigue, mucous membrane irritation.

Solvents and formaldehyde:
Mucous membrane irritation, respiratory diseases, organ damage, headaches, allergies, nausea, concentration disorders.

Wood and plant protection products:
Headache, joint and muscle pain, dizziness, insomnia and appetite, skin irritation, liver damage, psych.

Heavy metals:
allergic skin reactions, brain, nerve and organ damage, behavioral disorders.

No opportunities for virus

1. Avoid crowds, especially Verschnupften and Hustenden out of the way.
2. Do not shake hands, otherwise wash hands thoroughly.
3. Draught avoid.
4. Rooms do not overheat, otherwise dry mucous membranes - which makes them vulnerable to viruses.
5. A lot of fruit and vegetables to eat.
6. Regular walks in the fresh air - warm wrapped!
7. At the first hint of a cold: "hot lemon? and a lot of herbal tea drinking, no physical effort, a lot of rest and sleep.

Contact Lens Information

Hard lenses:
are recommended for all, virtually constantly lenses. They are sauerstoffdurchlässiger and hygiene, but have adapted perfectly to the eye, otherwise they will sit poorly, the eye must be accustomed.

Soft lenses:
lentils are soft in a few standard sizes, one day alone. You save the care, are a rare alternative to glasses.

Gleitsicht lenses:
an age same farsightedness. They use different areas and Power must individually adapted from the optician. For a beginning only farsightedness, there are also so-called mono-vision lenses.

Adverse consequences of Operation

No medical intervention without risk: complications can be used for cosmetic surgery by experienced surgeons. About the risks involved should the patients before treatment ruthlessly enlightened - mean the doctor is legally required. But not all adverse effects are normal risks, often botch-up is also behind.

Nasal correction: It may be, etc. the rejection of an implant, suppurations by infections and a nasal breathing difficult.

Eye-OP: If tears bags, for example, can scars the lower forgiven.

Facelift: Big risk exists if e.g. the nerves are injured: a facial paralysis half of the mouth or the angle Oberlids. Further complications: an asymmetric or maskenhaftes face.

Stock treatment can lead to pigment disorders, burns, scarring and prolonged redness.

Big draw: Under the skin can dents, stains or necrosis (tissue damage) may occur.

Breast surgery: asymmetric breasts, circulatory disorders, disruption of the sensitivity, difficulty in breastfeeding and burst prostheses, the need to be replaced.

The (40 years) man biologically

Ageing is human - from the traces of 40 are visible. On a more, while other less: On the pace of biological clock, we have a big influence. Only we can stop them.

Brain: From 25 can be saved and memory capacity. day after day about 50000 dying brain cells. But the brain as a muscle can be trained - memory games and sports to keep fit.

Muscles: Between 30 and 40 lose about 3 kilos of muscle mass. The fat percentage of weight is increasing. Blame the hormones and lack of training.

Vision: The eye lens is from 40 less and less elastic. The result: the so-called Alterssichtigkeit. A reading glasses? becomes necessary.

Immune system: A little sleep, no sports, much nicotine and alcohol, stress - from 40 to show the consequences: The immune system is weakened, the infection is increasing vulnerability.

Skin: The sebaceous glands produce less fat, this makes the skin dry and less elastic, wrinkles. Excessive UV radiation accelerates the emergence of wrinkles and age spots.

Lungs: The lung bubbles through the aging process, but also by nicotine, wniger elastic. The oxygen supply is deteriorating.

Joints: Right from the thirtieth year of life, the total body water. The synovial fluid "smears? not so good. Sedentary promotes joint wear.

Big industry: The man tends from 40 to increased production of the female hormone oestrogen. This is changing the fat distribution: It takes at the hips.

Male hormones: From 40, the testosterone-year payout by about 1%. 40-year-old men often produce too much of the female hormone oestrogen. Possible consequences: lust and power reduction.

Heart: One-third of men smoke in Germany. That is the main risk factor for vascular constriction and thus for heart attack. Professional stress is often high with 40 and also increases the risk.

Hair: The number of hair roots decreases - sometimes for men from 20 Air storage, the hair gray. On hair loss hormones are to blame.

Hearing: Nearly one in five in the group of 40 - to 49-year-olds has hearing problems. This is not an inevitable aging of the hearing. Crucial life habits and noise pollution.

Bone: Your strength is now. Fractures can already at low risk of exposure. Men with office jobs are never more affected by osteoporosis.

Potency: About 5 percent of the 40-year-olds are impotent. Particularly at risk: smokers (the vessels verkalken) and men are much more cycling (nerves can be damaged).

Contact Linen hygiene

Contact lens cleaning:
Hard lenses have dinner with a special cleaning solution eingerieben and then rinsed off. Wash but previously necessarily the hands! About 40% of contact lens makers forget this rule.

Contact lens storage:
The storage solution must be renewed every day. Also, you should tank lenses every few months and exchange between clean. e.g. with a peroxide solution and fill in during the day are reversed.

Soft lenses:
are thinner and more sensitive, they are not mechanically cleaned, disinfected. It recommended peroxide solutions, however, you must neutralize before the lens reinstated else suffers the eye. There are solutions or neutralizing tablets. For those who constantly lenses, offers cleaning products without preservatives, while occasional makers should not do it, otherwise grow mushrooms.

Complete Systems:
Pflegmittel with only one suitable opportunity for policy makers.

Protein remover:
Protein deposits on the contact lenses offer excellent hotbeds for bacteria. They must therefore 1x per week using an enzyme tablet removed.

Alt, but remain healthy and fit

Gene: The genetic predisposition plays in achieving a high age play a role. If you have a number of ancestors, the ancient, will probably also old.

Movement: Who is active, live longer than stay-at-home: a soft sport reduces mortality by about 44 percent. Incidentally: The activity should give you pleasure and no stress, nothing else is won!
Curiosity: Who is open for the future, a lot of reading, questions and prepare for the new interest, lives longer. Even in old age, the brain can be trained and ready made.

Optimism: Doughnut see the optimists, pessimists the hole in the middle. This is unfortunate and sick. try to think positively and to small things to enjoy.

Sex: Frequent sexual intercourse is boosting the distribution of happiness hormones and holds so young. But circulation and lung capacity.

Serenity: Find a relaxation technique that interests you. What, does not matter, the main thing is that you do which is contrary to the ubiquitous stress. Because brings etc. the vessels mercilessly on ageing.

Big Save: The best way einzusparen calories and get rid of excess pounds: Big save. Take your meals honestly under the microscope and start right now.

Friendships: Friendly relations will help to keep you happily aged and mentally fit. Sport in Society makes you fit and also brings new acquaintances.

Hormones: In low-fat fish, poultry, lean cheese and banana plug amino acids, the distribution of happiness and creativity hormones. To increase your success.

Vitamins: Do you eat at every opportunity fresh fruit and vegetables. They contain not only vitamins: for example, an apple 10000 stuck substances. Pills are there no competition.

Sleep: The highest life expectancy, those who were 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night treat. 7 hours is the average sleep duration of a 40-year-old.

Use: a regular sport and healthy food: It makes you fit and healthy - rather than once a month against the bad conscience only salad to eat and hours in the gym to train.

The secret of the "hundred-life"

Diet keeps you young. Even in the 30s were scientists in an experiment with laboratory rats found that the a 50% increase in life expectancy had when they were on Schmalkost.

In countless other studies have shown that diets the body of young animals and humans.

The explanation is simple: The fewer calories are, the less energy metabolism must be implemented and the fewer pollutants are produced.

The more you daily food record, the more oxygen into your cells will be processed. Oxygen, as fuel for your metabolism, is in a high dose of a poison and lets you age.

Studies in centenarians show that the vast majority of you wire and lean people who are physically and mentally demanding and kalorienbewusst and healthy diet. Many diet experts advise their clients to dinner to renounce. The effect is very negative effect on conviviality and joy.

Avoid calorie diet instead, you save all the fat, but do not in the normal meal times and rituals.

Beauty at the expense of health insurance?

Who will be beautiful, must be involved in operations with high costs. But in some cases, the sickness funds to pay. Basically when a disease such as for back and posture problems caused by too large and heavy breasts. Patients should be treated with their health insurance, because of a takeover of the costs will only decide in individual cases.

Natural blemishes like a crooked nose are usually not at the expense of cash corrected. One such operation is considered cosmetic treatment. Exception: health problems - e.g. if a tortuous nose restricts breathing. Then pay the fund.

Selbstverursachte blemishes such as tattoos - typical youth sins that you would like to get rid of, or ugly scars caused by Pier Sing emerged rings are not at the expense of the fund. The patient must be the distance as well as treatment for inflammation of the bodies themselves.

Blemishes after accidents or as consequences of diseases are typically used as fund performance. This includes e.g. the elimination of internal combustion scars and the restoration of a breast tumor after treatment.

Running is healthy

Running stress hormones can disappear.
It is advisable, at least once a day circulating stress hormones to burn. Indeed, scores of adrenaline into the inner vessel walls, making them porous. Big and lime dock, the clogged artery. Known consequences are arteriosclerosis, stroke and heart attack.

Running is fun
The American sports medicine professor Laurence E. Morehouse:

One of the direct impact of fitness is in bed.
Not only was the performance spectrum, but also what the quality. The better the body reacts, the more intense the sexual sensations. In further studies, this situation could be identified. The test runners a unanimous California Institute reported:
Running makes you want more - sometimes to double!

Testosterone is invincible
The reason for so much pleasure lies in the increase in testosterone in the blood.
The male sex hormone, the women in the blood, stands for internal dynamics, libido and enforcement assets.
But beware:
If you look at total verausgabt, the testosterone burned. After a marathon runs on the ceiling nothing more.

Walk slowly
Muscles burn fat only in the oxygen surplus, otherwise they operate from the reserve tank of carbohydrates.
This is detectable in the blood. Even a slightly elevated lactic acid levels, the fat burning impossible.

The secret is Ultralight run.
Only if you have 5 minutes after running feel fresh and "ausreißen trees," you have your body in accordance with trained.
Need one hour, however, regeneration time, you have all your reserves running low.

You fat burning
Now the good news: they are fat even without their gym again!

Burning fat you walk by you and the number of fat calories that you eat, halve. This is the fastest way to be younger again.

How long will food fresh

To senseless and costly waste and the risk of health affected by rotten food to avoid, it is better if you just purchasing the possible storage times of the main food in the head haben.Auch if you prepare more than you eat on the same day, you should the limited shelf life of food.

Here is a fact help:
Fresh milk - 1 day to 2 days
Long-life milk, open - 2 days to 3 days
Condensed milk, open - 4 days to 5 days
Hard and processed cheese - 8 days to 10 days
Eggs - no more than 2 weeks
Fish, raw - maximum of 1 day
Fish, cooked - 1 day to 2 days
Fish, smoked - 1 day to 2 days
Fischkonserve, open - 1 day to 2 days
Meat, raw - 1 day to 2 days
Meat, cooked - 2 days to 3 days
Lettuce - 1 day to 2 days
Carrots, raw - 6 days to 8 days
Vegetables, cooked - 1 day to 2 days
Frozen food, thawed - a maximum of 1 day
Rice and noodles, cooked - 1 day to 2 days

Tips for a healthy diet

Have the new year with the good intention started better in the future to ensure your health? Here are 10 tips for a healthy diet that will help.

Hold the right level.
The answer to the question of how much food is good for you, nobody can tell you off. These people are far too different. It depends on your metabolism, from your age, your profession, your way of life and many other things.

Who lot of work and a lot of moves, needs more than a Geruhsamer, elderly need less as a boy, healthy over the sick. The needs of your body is changing not only in the course of life, but perhaps within a month. You should therefore make your own nutritionists. Try every day to find out what your healthy degree. Revel is not excessive, torture you but not with hunger cures. A reasonable rule of thumb is for every meal the stomach with about half Festem to fill, with Flüssigem fourth and the last quarter empty.

Eat well and happy.
Actually, who like to eat, like to eat well. But this is not always the case. Often leads precisely that which oily, sweet, sticky and little overall health is best. A sin now and then no harm, as long as you celebrate it with pleasure. But who regularly food is inferior in quality to take his health works. Since it uses nothing if they are cheap, fast or short-term satisfaction of a sudden hunger hot.

Dishes you do not even with things that are not good for you. Your health is demanding. It wants food, fresh and high quality.

Save on fat
Too much fat, fat, increases the blood fat levels and charged to the heart. The healthy average daily fat consumption is about 80 grams, but most eat more.

To save you do not need to darben - on the selection there. Avoid especially fatty meat, sausage and cheese and hidden fats in sauces, sweets, etc.

If you e.g. noodles for lunch with vegetables, a low-fat chicken legs and eat a salad, should you little more than 25 grams of fat eating. Do you eat two sandwiches with salami or fatty liver sausage, you alone exceed 80 g so that your probably.

Eat fruit and vegetables
In fresh fruit and vegetables put many vitamins, minerals and vitality tonic substances that promote your health, protect and preserve. Without them we can not live healthy.

Do you eat every day so the season according to fruits and vegetables, both raw and cooked. It is important that you properly for a change. Each variety has its advantages, which deals with those of other complement and reinforce them.

Medical fresh from the market

The natural fruit and vegetables can be mature if we are just good use. Here are six varieties, which are now very healthy fruit and vegetables do not only healthy, they may even help heal. To us this inexpensive, tasty and side everyday medicine to be able to operate, however, we have to own characteristics and the times of each fruit.

A concentrated load vitamins and countless other beneficial substances in fruits and vegetables stuck, you will not year-round - even if the offer at the supermarket knows no pause. Only fruit, the natural time to mature, have this gift. The nature that can grow, just what we need. In spring, the first fresh herbs and the first leaf salads, the inertia and winter to help distribute bacon.

Now in early summer vegetables and fruit on the plan, the body still further from the old clean, but also the full vitality of the new summer in them. Particularly clear and shows the appetite for strawberries and cherries with their rich red.

Fruit and vegetables, which is now maturing, is not durable. The nature after all these years time new permanently ready to harvest fruits and leaves the old so quickly spoil. Be sure that in the summer especially on fresh merchandise.

Small bombs protein - peas for the nerves:
Green peas are suppliers of physical and mental freshness. They contain a lot of protein, nucleic acid in conjunction with the rejuvenated cells. There are plenty of potassium and magnesium, the nucleic acid for the body to make available, and plant sugar. The high proportion of fiber in the pea also detoxifying effect, prevents constipation and lowers cholesterol levels. In addition, the vitamins A and E, iron, zinc and the nervenstärkenden and stimmungshebenden vitamins B1, B2 and B3. This ensures good strength, doing something for skin and hair and heart and circulatory system. Peas are easy to digest what they mean for the Light foods for the sick and small children is recommended. Athletes also benefit from a meal with fresh peas, because they help build muscle strength. Good advice you cook peas soon after it from the pods free, and only briefly in a little water. They dry rapidly and quickly lose their valuable vitamins.

Every day a few - radishes for the intestinal:
So strictly, as they taste, radishes are also against bacteria and fungi in the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach and colon. This can be beneficial felt, for example, if you Cough and complaints with the sinuses, or if you often flatulence and other intestinal disorders. Radish also build your immune system, etc. because your levels of selenium. They same so that a lack of the important trace element, on which today's eating habits can easily lead. Eat moderate radishes, but regularly and, if possible, from organic cultivation.

Sauer, but good - Rhubarb makes slim:
If you eat a bowl Rhabarberkompott is like an inner major cleaning. It drained, defatted, detoxifies, brings the intestine and the joy of life on the go and rejuvenates the skin. Rhubarb contains a lot of calcium, for bone formation and thus is important for osteoporosis and nervous restlessness fought. Rhubarb contains a lot of toxic oxalic acid. So you do not eat raw and it should also in the preparation peel largely because the acid is mainly in the skin. Do you eat rhubarb no more than once or twice a week, but kurmäßig several weeks.

Use the time! - Asparagus makes you fit:
Nature knows why the asparagus in May and June can grow: it delivers everything you need to be the last remnant of slag winter and spring to get rid of fatigue. He drained and deacidified, helps detoxify the liver, strengthens the blood and defence. Asparagus is one of the best means of rejuvenation, there is. This is due to a lot of vitamins and other substances, the asparagus literally from the ground sucks. Asparagus is particularly rich in folic acid, to help drive against fatigue and weakness, lack of concentration and early ergrauendes hair. In addition, it contains much zinc, which streamlines the body and stimulates the mind. Also known ermunternde effect of asparagus on the love due to its high zinc content.

For the immune system - strawberries detoxify:
If you Abendbrots instead of a big bowl of fresh strawberries with a little sugar and milk to eat, this is a good service to your health. My gut is pleased with the soothing detoxification, your metabolism to breathe, your blood pressure is normal, and skin and hair get fresh paint. No other local fruit is so rich in manganese as the strawberry. A lack of this mineral substance may be behind it, if you frequently tired and irritable, or often joint pain. Do you eat during the outdoor harvest strawberries as much time as you can and want, but always as fresh as possible and carefully washed. In gereiztem gum you can use the anti-inflammatory effect of the strawberry also use a different - by a fruit pulp and gum massage so.

Kurtauglich - cherry rejuvenate:
Like Strawberry also shows the cherry already by their red color, that the concentrated power of early summer in their lies. That you can take advantage by kurmäßig at least one week every day fully half a pound, fresh cherries and dark as possible eat. This reduces the uric acid levels and is thus preventive and soothing against gout and rheumatism and transported to pollutants from the body. A Kirschenkur is especially recommended if your strengthen connective tissue, their skin taut and remove. But if you suffer from arthritis or parodontosis or trouble with the pancreas, cherries are good for you. A constipation with cherries are also slightly off.

Training for proper breathing

Train your breathing at least once a day, preferably outdoors or in front of the window and loose clothing.

* A deep breath and calm on and off. Make sure the abdomen by inhalation and exhalation of advancing recovered.

* The exhalation should be about twice as long as the inhalation. A simultaneous amounts or a light pipe leads to a more relaxed out.

* Set on tiptoe. Take both arms high and stretch your whole body. Breathe in and let then deep into the crouch. Breathe in and support you with both hands.

* Prevent Schneider seat in the upper body far ahead. Let the hard head forward, breathe slowly. When setting inhale, lift your head slowly.

Mustard promotes digestion

At a good bratwurst heard mustard. This is not just a Binsenweißheit, but also nutritional reasons.

Mustard is made from mustard seeds. These include protein, fat and so-called oil Glucosesinolaten also valuable mustard oil. This increases the production of saliva, stomach acid and bile juice. This in turn improves the starch and fat digestion. In addition, the bowel movement stimulated.

In other words, fats and heavy meals can be obtained by adding mustard better digest. So the sausage.

Tips for allergic rhinitis

If you have hay fever, consider these tips:

- Find out against what pollen you are allergic. This is best for your family physician.

- Find out in a <> Pollen calendar on the occurrence of pollen to which you are allergic response.

- Learn about the current Pollen warnings in daily newspapers and radio.

- Pollen will mainly be released the morning, usually around six clock: Uncover therefore your bedroom at night, close the window in the early morning and keep it closed during the day.

- Keep up for you during the critical Pollen little time as possible outdoors and avoid strenuous sporting activities.

- Put your vacation as possible in the time of your pollen and stay in pollenarme areas on the coast or in the mountains.

- Wash your hair daily, because there are pollen.

- For car trips should the windows closed. If your car does not pollen filter, ask your dealer if you can retrofit this filter.

- Wear glasses or sunglasses to the pollen from the eyes to keep away.

Help with seasickness

The most important rule: Hinaus on deck, breathe fresh air and look to the horizon. There the eye rest.

In the middle between the bow and stern remain there rocks the ship is at least.

A half-spoon ginger tea powder or tablet calms the digestive tract for several hours. Pressure bracelets, called the Nei-kuan point (two thumbs under the broad wrist) stimulate apply rather than faith.

For stubborn cases will help the ship's doctor with medication: Drama mine in tablet form dampen the activity of the central nervous system. If you have nothing more to eat, receives an injection with promethazine. That is the feeling of nausea for four to five days.

Chocolate against depression

The chocolate part of serotonin brings sunshine for the soul. The messenger substance raises the mood. Chocolate is the ideal Muntermacher in herbstlichem Schmuddelwetter. When sniffed, sucked slow phenols are released. The vascular diseases and prevent embolisms. Dark works particularly well.

Sleep deprivation can rapidly ageing

Lack of sleep can age faster. The scientists found the University of Chicago. With only four hours sleep, basic metabolic problems (processing of carbohydrates, regulation of hormones) disrupted. These changes are similar to the biological effects of aging and the early stage of diabetes.

Brain Food - thinking performance

Brain Food supports the formation of messenger substances in the brain, thereby improving the mental performance.

* Amino acids: They provide for the transmission of information, improve performance, antidepressiv effect. Amino acids found in milk, eggs, potatoes, rice, pasta, bananas, green beans, beef, peanuts and almonds.

* Essential fatty acids: They protect the cell and are in some olive and sunflower oil, avocados, herring, tuna, halibut.

* A complex carbohydrate. They are important energy supplier for the brain. Good: nuts, grains, fruit, whole grain bread or vegetables.

* Beta Karatin and vitamin C. especially important for smokers. The carrots should, fruit and peppers to eat with ascorbic acid or peripherals.

* Vitamin B against stress. If full-grain products, avocados and bananas.

* Calcium and magnesium. Calming effect and plug, for example, in milk, green vegetables and sesame seeds.

Blood donation - Something good

Maybe you are with the good intent into the new millennium gone in the future to donate blood? By donating one unit of blood, which is about half a litre, you can save at least 4 people.

In Germany, each year some 5 million blood transfusions required (German Red Cross, Bonn). Some need it for an operation, others have pointed to an accident dependent. And then there are those who died of cancer or other illnesses, the preparations from whole blood or other blood components.

Around 4.5 million blood donations per year are needed in Germany (German Red Cross, Bonn). If you have good health, you could contribute to the welfare of others by blood donors.

Surface characteristics of red blood cells to determine the blood group

Every day about 15,000 units of blood in the entire country needs (German Red Cross, Bonn). Not any Blutkonserve can help each individual concerned. The characteristics of blood are hereditary, and determine the blood group. A recipient can tolerate only donor blood, the blood on his group matches.

The blood groups are defined by certain molecules, the so-called "antigens, which on the surface of red blood cells. The general classification is different blood characteristics 2: AB0 feature and the rhesus (Rh) feature.

The AB0 feature is the presence or absence of A or B antigen distinction. The blood group A are only A antigens on the surface of red blood cells in the blood group B only B antigens. The blood group AB has both and the group 0, none of them.

The rhesus (Rh) - characteristic is the presence of the Rh antigen on the surface of red blood cells characterized. Although there are many different Rh antigens, there is only one of them (the "D" - antigen) used to determine whether your blood "Rh-positive or Rh negative."

Together determine the AB0 and rhesus features the most commonly occurring blood groups - A positive or A negative, B positive or negative B, AB AB positive or negative and 0 positive or 0 negative.

Each blood component has its specific task

Usually a unit donated blood into individual components aufgetrennt, which are then used to different people to help. The ingredients are:

Red blood cells - These cells contain hemoglobin, a substance eisenreiche, the oxygen throughout the body transported. A transfusion of red blood cells in the form of so-called "Erythrozytenkonzentraten" is usually administered to people with a significant amount of blood lost or chronic anemia (anaemia) suffer.

Scientists researching it, so-called "artificial blood" that has, similar to the red blood cells which transport oxygen. But there are still serious problems and serious adverse events associated with these products. You are in the U.S. by the competent authority, the Food and Drug Administration, not yet.

Plasma - This is the liquid portion of blood. The plasma contains proteins that are needed for blood clotting. Plasma transfusions are usually used to certain blood clotting disorders to treat.
Platelets (blood platelets) - This small cells play an essential role in blood clotting. They repair injured blood vessels and can reduce blood loss by concentrating on the injured body and accumulate holes in the vessel wall sealed.

Platelet transfusions can patients with leukemia or other cancers, and patients with disorders of platelet function help.

Ways to alleviate pain

Ways to alleviate pain

Instead of SSA (Acetylsalicylsüäure) time, try it out with natural painkillers. Depending on what you want to fight pain, select:

1. Phenylalanine,
2. Wide bark (a herbal pain reliever),
3. Transkutane electrical nerve stimulation (TENS),
4. Neural organization method (a form of chiropractic),
5. Biofeedback,
6. Acupuncture,
7. Pyrophosphat thiamine,
8. Capsaicin (Chilli),
9. Vitamin D.

Main causes of hyperactivity in children

Children often have opposite effects: milk, wheat, sugar, chocolate, oranges, yeast, antibiotics, chemical food additives And often they lack appearances: zinc, magnesium. And they could also suffer from: hypoglycaemia (hypo), allergies, fungal infections.