Ageing is human - from the traces of 40 are visible. On a more, while other less: On the pace of biological clock, we have a big influence. Only we can stop them.
Brain: From 25 can be saved and memory capacity. day after day about 50000 dying brain cells. But the brain as a muscle can be trained - memory games and sports to keep fit.
Muscles: Between 30 and 40 lose about 3 kilos of muscle mass. The fat percentage of weight is increasing. Blame the hormones and lack of training.
Vision: The eye lens is from 40 less and less elastic. The result: the so-called Alterssichtigkeit. A reading glasses? becomes necessary.
Immune system: A little sleep, no sports, much nicotine and alcohol, stress - from 40 to show the consequences: The immune system is weakened, the infection is increasing vulnerability.
Skin: The sebaceous glands produce less fat, this makes the skin dry and less elastic, wrinkles. Excessive UV radiation accelerates the emergence of wrinkles and age spots.
Lungs: The lung bubbles through the aging process, but also by nicotine, wniger elastic. The oxygen supply is deteriorating.
Joints: Right from the thirtieth year of life, the total body water. The synovial fluid "smears? not so good. Sedentary promotes joint wear.
Big industry: The man tends from 40 to increased production of the female hormone oestrogen. This is changing the fat distribution: It takes at the hips.
Male hormones: From 40, the testosterone-year payout by about 1%. 40-year-old men often produce too much of the female hormone oestrogen. Possible consequences: lust and power reduction.
Heart: One-third of men smoke in Germany. That is the main risk factor for vascular constriction and thus for heart attack. Professional stress is often high with 40 and also increases the risk.
Hair: The number of hair roots decreases - sometimes for men from 20 Air storage, the hair gray. On hair loss hormones are to blame.
Hearing: Nearly one in five in the group of 40 - to 49-year-olds has hearing problems. This is not an inevitable aging of the hearing. Crucial life habits and noise pollution.
Bone: Your strength is now. Fractures can already at low risk of exposure. Men with office jobs are never more affected by osteoporosis.
Potency: About 5 percent of the 40-year-olds are impotent. Particularly at risk: smokers (the vessels verkalken) and men are much more cycling (nerves can be damaged).