Medical fresh from the market

The natural fruit and vegetables can be mature if we are just good use. Here are six varieties, which are now very healthy fruit and vegetables do not only healthy, they may even help heal. To us this inexpensive, tasty and side everyday medicine to be able to operate, however, we have to own characteristics and the times of each fruit.

A concentrated load vitamins and countless other beneficial substances in fruits and vegetables stuck, you will not year-round - even if the offer at the supermarket knows no pause. Only fruit, the natural time to mature, have this gift. The nature that can grow, just what we need. In spring, the first fresh herbs and the first leaf salads, the inertia and winter to help distribute bacon.

Now in early summer vegetables and fruit on the plan, the body still further from the old clean, but also the full vitality of the new summer in them. Particularly clear and shows the appetite for strawberries and cherries with their rich red.

Fruit and vegetables, which is now maturing, is not durable. The nature after all these years time new permanently ready to harvest fruits and leaves the old so quickly spoil. Be sure that in the summer especially on fresh merchandise.

Small bombs protein - peas for the nerves:
Green peas are suppliers of physical and mental freshness. They contain a lot of protein, nucleic acid in conjunction with the rejuvenated cells. There are plenty of potassium and magnesium, the nucleic acid for the body to make available, and plant sugar. The high proportion of fiber in the pea also detoxifying effect, prevents constipation and lowers cholesterol levels. In addition, the vitamins A and E, iron, zinc and the nervenstärkenden and stimmungshebenden vitamins B1, B2 and B3. This ensures good strength, doing something for skin and hair and heart and circulatory system. Peas are easy to digest what they mean for the Light foods for the sick and small children is recommended. Athletes also benefit from a meal with fresh peas, because they help build muscle strength. Good advice you cook peas soon after it from the pods free, and only briefly in a little water. They dry rapidly and quickly lose their valuable vitamins.

Every day a few - radishes for the intestinal:
So strictly, as they taste, radishes are also against bacteria and fungi in the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach and colon. This can be beneficial felt, for example, if you Cough and complaints with the sinuses, or if you often flatulence and other intestinal disorders. Radish also build your immune system, etc. because your levels of selenium. They same so that a lack of the important trace element, on which today's eating habits can easily lead. Eat moderate radishes, but regularly and, if possible, from organic cultivation.

Sauer, but good - Rhubarb makes slim:
If you eat a bowl Rhabarberkompott is like an inner major cleaning. It drained, defatted, detoxifies, brings the intestine and the joy of life on the go and rejuvenates the skin. Rhubarb contains a lot of calcium, for bone formation and thus is important for osteoporosis and nervous restlessness fought. Rhubarb contains a lot of toxic oxalic acid. So you do not eat raw and it should also in the preparation peel largely because the acid is mainly in the skin. Do you eat rhubarb no more than once or twice a week, but kurmäßig several weeks.

Use the time! - Asparagus makes you fit:
Nature knows why the asparagus in May and June can grow: it delivers everything you need to be the last remnant of slag winter and spring to get rid of fatigue. He drained and deacidified, helps detoxify the liver, strengthens the blood and defence. Asparagus is one of the best means of rejuvenation, there is. This is due to a lot of vitamins and other substances, the asparagus literally from the ground sucks. Asparagus is particularly rich in folic acid, to help drive against fatigue and weakness, lack of concentration and early ergrauendes hair. In addition, it contains much zinc, which streamlines the body and stimulates the mind. Also known ermunternde effect of asparagus on the love due to its high zinc content.

For the immune system - strawberries detoxify:
If you Abendbrots instead of a big bowl of fresh strawberries with a little sugar and milk to eat, this is a good service to your health. My gut is pleased with the soothing detoxification, your metabolism to breathe, your blood pressure is normal, and skin and hair get fresh paint. No other local fruit is so rich in manganese as the strawberry. A lack of this mineral substance may be behind it, if you frequently tired and irritable, or often joint pain. Do you eat during the outdoor harvest strawberries as much time as you can and want, but always as fresh as possible and carefully washed. In gereiztem gum you can use the anti-inflammatory effect of the strawberry also use a different - by a fruit pulp and gum massage so.

Kurtauglich - cherry rejuvenate:
Like Strawberry also shows the cherry already by their red color, that the concentrated power of early summer in their lies. That you can take advantage by kurmäßig at least one week every day fully half a pound, fresh cherries and dark as possible eat. This reduces the uric acid levels and is thus preventive and soothing against gout and rheumatism and transported to pollutants from the body. A Kirschenkur is especially recommended if your strengthen connective tissue, their skin taut and remove. But if you suffer from arthritis or parodontosis or trouble with the pancreas, cherries are good for you. A constipation with cherries are also slightly off.