Approved you a real break for the activities of the day (walking, reading, listening to music, relaxation exercises).
* Ritualisiert to your bed-walking phase: herbal tea, milk, a bath (valerian, balm, lavender), diary - an end of the day, you harmony. Tasks and problems for the next day record.
* Design your bedroom so that you feel comfortable (temperature, humidity, ambience, healthy mattress).
* If possible, always at the same time to bed, even on weekends. (Exceptions prove the rule.)
* Following the signals your body, and the recovery Irin him when he calls. Not overcome the deadlock.
* Esst evening (after 21 clock) nothing heavy, fat or Sharp. This stimulates the stomach, the intestines and the brain.
* Avoid evening coffee (stimulating), alcohol (schlaferzwingend acts such as barbiturates, but disturbs the sleep cycle and reduces the deep sleep) and nicotine (gefäßverengend).
* No sport in the late evening. At least 4 hours before bedtime! No physical high-performance, the stimulating effect also for body and soul and affects sleep significantly.
* If you suffer from sleep disorders: No lunch nap!
* Sedatives or sleeping medication in acute crisis situations!
* Prepares you up the so that you can forward (alarm not to the last minute, prepare a good breakfast).
* Take for something beautiful morning!