Allergy hit parade. Figures in percent of the population. Many people respond to several allergy triggers, so the misleading total of 66%.
3% insecticide:
After a random states with an allergy to act quickly. Each year more than 3000 Affected by a doctor supplies. The often violent reaction can be fatal to otherwise shock. An emergency pharmacy should always be there.
3% latex:
This is particularly allergy doctors and medical personnel. They must have at the eighth latex rubber materials, such as Gloves. Beware of cross-reactions with bananas, avocados and the popular indoor plant Ficus benjamini.
5% Pharmaceuticals:
The antibiotic penicillin is a known trigger for drug allergies. But many react to certain drugs with more intolerant (Pseudoallergie) than with a real allergy, for example, the painkiller Acetylalicylsäure.
6% Moulds:
With the start of the Heizsaison is usually started: cold, watery eyes and sneezing stimulus plagued the allergy. The reason for this is through the air swirling mold spores. Important: regular air, wet areas and dry wall posts and eliminate fungus, in the summer wet grass and earth to avoid.
6% food:
At the top of the charts: glutenhaltige cereals, followed by chicken eggs, nuts, soy, milk, fish and shellfish. The seasoning celery is one of them. An genuine allergies only about 1% of the population, for most it is an intolerance. -- Common: Cross hay fever allergies
7% Nickel:
The earlier children e.g. Earrings get, the greater their risk for a nickel contact allergy. Incidentally, gold and sterling silver not quite nickel, for example, is better Titan. This is particularly true for the current modern piercing rings.
10% house dust mites:
Who throughout the year lower cold suffers, could be an allergy to house dust mites have developed. These spiders animals or their aftermath are almost everywhere in the dust. They love especially mattresses, carpets, Knudles, curtains and Bettvorleger. Children need but not to their beloved teddy refrain when he regularly washed at 60 degrees or on ice? .
10% animal hair:
Even if the guinea pig is still as sweet: allergic reactions should be better in other hands emergence faithful against cat and dog hair. But not the hair itself allergen effect, but the animal liable to saliva. In infants and small children should first renounce entirely on pets, even though the experts here do not quite agree.
16% flower pollen:
In Germany suffer at least 16% of the population to hay fever or pollen allergy. The complaints can be in spring with the first flowers of hazel, alder or birch begin throughout the summer triggered by grasses, so they finally fall in with the Verblühen of mugwort to end. That unlucky but not all, most react to individual pollen groups such as Grasses.