1st Ventilation:
Fresh air is in many offices in short supply. Rule of thumb: All three hours for five minutes the windows wide open. Even if the office on a busy street, the pollution is tolerable. Air conditioning systems do not allow colds or concentration disrupting. They spread germs into all areas of a building. Also: if you have a window, air conditioning, and despite air.
2nd Lamps:
Improper lighting leads to headaches and eye burning. Ophthalmologists recommend a brightness from 400 to 600 lux, which represents a 60-watt Glübirne in 1.50 metres. Dimmer adjust the lighting conditions to light. Punktartiges light from desk lamps überanstrengt eyes quickly. In general, light parallel to the view direction. Workers rely on the display screen regulation, Annex 16th The calls lamps, not hide, and adjustable sun protection.
3rd Temperature:
Workplaces guidelines require an ideal temperature in offices from 20 to 22 degrees. In the summer, the thermometer inside sometimes up to 26 degrees. rise. However, the work performance at even higher temperatures well. Physical rule: If the room temperature, reduce the relative humidity. Long-term can lead to chronic respiratory infections. So offices not overheat.
4th Printer:
In Action encounter laser printer toxic substances such as benzene and styrene. The inhalation, the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and bronchi irritate. Lots of fresh air distributes the gases. Important: The ausströmende air must not jump to the workplace. Best option: Out with the troublemakers peace. The same applies to noisy dot matrix printer.
5th Office chair:
Poor posture triggers tension, the discs suffer through miscarriage or overload. The right to körpergerechte office chairs is in the annex to the display screen regulation, paragraph 11 certificates. Ergonomic Do: 40 to 50 centimeters high backrest and swivel function. For unverkrampftes work should the front seat to fall. Older models seat equip workers with wedges of Health. Frequent change of attitude helps with Stehpulten or knee seats and seat balls. Replace the ergonomic desk chair is not.
6th Monitor:
Screen work is maximum performance for the eyes. Reflections on the Write Matt strict addition. Is the monitor directly in front of the windows, hides the sun, and the bright light weakens the screen contrasts. PC users sitting with her back to the window reflected clouds or opposite the building on the monitor. Reflection-free work is possible if the screen at right angles to the window. So hochkrempeln sleeves and the screen change.
7th Bildschirmflimmern:
The refresh rate is how often the image on the screen per second rebuilt. After the display screen regulation, the value of 73 Hz, recommended more than 85 Hz If the number is below the minimum threshold, his chief of staff to push new acquisition - the health of the employee's sake. A low frequency leads to the effort of the eyes. Especially augenschonend because flicker-free, flat screens. When there is no legal entitlement.
8th Desk:
For the surface: visors. After the display screen regulation, the table does not reflect or irritation. This means that black and white or eliminated. Matt gray mouse makes the race. Tip: A grey desk edition swallows the light.
9th Cable:
Not only order fanatics rümpfen of cable clutter the nose. Verhedderte build cable electromagnetic fields. The nervousness or can cause headaches. Tips: untangle cables, mice aufrollen in cable or many short cables to connect multiple plugs.
10th Flooring:
The false covering burdened air and health. The best are natural materials such as linoleum, floor, cork. In carpets feel well house dust mites, allergies react with respiratory tract irritation. Synthetic rubber coverings can be carcinogenic gases such as rivet ausdünsten Rosa mine. Who needs to work, you ask for the control of air Chad substance values to the employer. If on the deaf ear, provide staff councils, security officers or doctors Protect assistance.
11st Plants:
Green is an important tool Müllschlucker in the office. In green office employees rarely complain of nervousness, infections, headaches or cardiovascular problems. Explanation: plants convert the people of exhaled carbon dioxide into oxygen. The largest green area, the more effective the conversion work. Fast-growing plants are fine. Schadstofffresser are special ivy, green lily, or Dragon Ficus tree. Important: Before office clerks to gardeners, they must be their bosses to be okay for the office greening ask.