Blood donation - Something good

Maybe you are with the good intent into the new millennium gone in the future to donate blood? By donating one unit of blood, which is about half a litre, you can save at least 4 people.

In Germany, each year some 5 million blood transfusions required (German Red Cross, Bonn). Some need it for an operation, others have pointed to an accident dependent. And then there are those who died of cancer or other illnesses, the preparations from whole blood or other blood components.

Around 4.5 million blood donations per year are needed in Germany (German Red Cross, Bonn). If you have good health, you could contribute to the welfare of others by blood donors.

Surface characteristics of red blood cells to determine the blood group

Every day about 15,000 units of blood in the entire country needs (German Red Cross, Bonn). Not any Blutkonserve can help each individual concerned. The characteristics of blood are hereditary, and determine the blood group. A recipient can tolerate only donor blood, the blood on his group matches.

The blood groups are defined by certain molecules, the so-called "antigens, which on the surface of red blood cells. The general classification is different blood characteristics 2: AB0 feature and the rhesus (Rh) feature.

The AB0 feature is the presence or absence of A or B antigen distinction. The blood group A are only A antigens on the surface of red blood cells in the blood group B only B antigens. The blood group AB has both and the group 0, none of them.

The rhesus (Rh) - characteristic is the presence of the Rh antigen on the surface of red blood cells characterized. Although there are many different Rh antigens, there is only one of them (the "D" - antigen) used to determine whether your blood "Rh-positive or Rh negative."

Together determine the AB0 and rhesus features the most commonly occurring blood groups - A positive or A negative, B positive or negative B, AB AB positive or negative and 0 positive or 0 negative.

Each blood component has its specific task

Usually a unit donated blood into individual components aufgetrennt, which are then used to different people to help. The ingredients are:

Red blood cells - These cells contain hemoglobin, a substance eisenreiche, the oxygen throughout the body transported. A transfusion of red blood cells in the form of so-called "Erythrozytenkonzentraten" is usually administered to people with a significant amount of blood lost or chronic anemia (anaemia) suffer.

Scientists researching it, so-called "artificial blood" that has, similar to the red blood cells which transport oxygen. But there are still serious problems and serious adverse events associated with these products. You are in the U.S. by the competent authority, the Food and Drug Administration, not yet.

Plasma - This is the liquid portion of blood. The plasma contains proteins that are needed for blood clotting. Plasma transfusions are usually used to certain blood clotting disorders to treat.
Platelets (blood platelets) - This small cells play an essential role in blood clotting. They repair injured blood vessels and can reduce blood loss by concentrating on the injured body and accumulate holes in the vessel wall sealed.

Platelet transfusions can patients with leukemia or other cancers, and patients with disorders of platelet function help.