Scraping, burning, redness, swollen eyelids, light sensitivity and eye at work on the computer: symptoms of a "dry eye" - a disease in which the eye's surface is not enough tears wetting. In Germany alone suffer from 10 to 12 million people in it. The cause is often the personal environment - mainly office work on the screen. It is the frequency of Lidschläge low. Only regular Lidschläge keep the cornea clear.
To bow before you and protect your eyes:
1. Pay attention to the correct distance between the screen and the eye: In common 17-inch monitors and word processing are 55 cm optimal.
2. The right light is important: best daylight. If you work in artificial lighting, this should be 400 to 600 lux strength.
3. Make sure the air is not too dry - you are in doubt during the Heizsaison air-conditioned rooms or in a humidifier or Zimmerbrunnen.
4. Your eyes need to have sufficient oxygen. Uncover regularly or go into the lunch break in the fresh air walk.
5. Make regular work breaks: Lift the view from the screen and look out the window. Fix is a very distant point. The relieve your eyes.
6. Avoid drafts and cigarette smoke: Both the tears can quickly evaporate.
7. When driving a car that the beam of the fan directly on the eyes is addressed.