Running is healthy

Running stress hormones can disappear.
It is advisable, at least once a day circulating stress hormones to burn. Indeed, scores of adrenaline into the inner vessel walls, making them porous. Big and lime dock, the clogged artery. Known consequences are arteriosclerosis, stroke and heart attack.

Running is fun
The American sports medicine professor Laurence E. Morehouse:

One of the direct impact of fitness is in bed.
Not only was the performance spectrum, but also what the quality. The better the body reacts, the more intense the sexual sensations. In further studies, this situation could be identified. The test runners a unanimous California Institute reported:
Running makes you want more - sometimes to double!

Testosterone is invincible
The reason for so much pleasure lies in the increase in testosterone in the blood.
The male sex hormone, the women in the blood, stands for internal dynamics, libido and enforcement assets.
But beware:
If you look at total verausgabt, the testosterone burned. After a marathon runs on the ceiling nothing more.

Walk slowly
Muscles burn fat only in the oxygen surplus, otherwise they operate from the reserve tank of carbohydrates.
This is detectable in the blood. Even a slightly elevated lactic acid levels, the fat burning impossible.

The secret is Ultralight run.
Only if you have 5 minutes after running feel fresh and "ausreißen trees," you have your body in accordance with trained.
Need one hour, however, regeneration time, you have all your reserves running low.

You fat burning
Now the good news: they are fat even without their gym again!

Burning fat you walk by you and the number of fat calories that you eat, halve. This is the fastest way to be younger again.