Gene: The genetic predisposition plays in achieving a high age play a role. If you have a number of ancestors, the ancient, will probably also old.
Movement: Who is active, live longer than stay-at-home: a soft sport reduces mortality by about 44 percent. Incidentally: The activity should give you pleasure and no stress, nothing else is won!
Curiosity: Who is open for the future, a lot of reading, questions and prepare for the new interest, lives longer. Even in old age, the brain can be trained and ready made.
Optimism: Doughnut see the optimists, pessimists the hole in the middle. This is unfortunate and sick. try to think positively and to small things to enjoy.
Sex: Frequent sexual intercourse is boosting the distribution of happiness hormones and holds so young. But circulation and lung capacity.
Serenity: Find a relaxation technique that interests you. What, does not matter, the main thing is that you do which is contrary to the ubiquitous stress. Because brings etc. the vessels mercilessly on ageing.
Big Save: The best way einzusparen calories and get rid of excess pounds: Big save. Take your meals honestly under the microscope and start right now.
Friendships: Friendly relations will help to keep you happily aged and mentally fit. Sport in Society makes you fit and also brings new acquaintances.
Hormones: In low-fat fish, poultry, lean cheese and banana plug amino acids, the distribution of happiness and creativity hormones. To increase your success.
Vitamins: Do you eat at every opportunity fresh fruit and vegetables. They contain not only vitamins: for example, an apple 10000 stuck substances. Pills are there no competition.
Sleep: The highest life expectancy, those who were 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night treat. 7 hours is the average sleep duration of a 40-year-old.
Use: a regular sport and healthy food: It makes you fit and healthy - rather than once a month against the bad conscience only salad to eat and hours in the gym to train.