Tips for allergic rhinitis

If you have hay fever, consider these tips:

- Find out against what pollen you are allergic. This is best for your family physician.

- Find out in a <> Pollen calendar on the occurrence of pollen to which you are allergic response.

- Learn about the current Pollen warnings in daily newspapers and radio.

- Pollen will mainly be released the morning, usually around six clock: Uncover therefore your bedroom at night, close the window in the early morning and keep it closed during the day.

- Keep up for you during the critical Pollen little time as possible outdoors and avoid strenuous sporting activities.

- Put your vacation as possible in the time of your pollen and stay in pollenarme areas on the coast or in the mountains.

- Wash your hair daily, because there are pollen.

- For car trips should the windows closed. If your car does not pollen filter, ask your dealer if you can retrofit this filter.

- Wear glasses or sunglasses to the pollen from the eyes to keep away.