Diet keeps you young. Even in the 30s were scientists in an experiment with laboratory rats found that the a 50% increase in life expectancy had when they were on Schmalkost.
In countless other studies have shown that diets the body of young animals and humans.
The explanation is simple: The fewer calories are, the less energy metabolism must be implemented and the fewer pollutants are produced.
The more you daily food record, the more oxygen into your cells will be processed. Oxygen, as fuel for your metabolism, is in a high dose of a poison and lets you age.
Studies in centenarians show that the vast majority of you wire and lean people who are physically and mentally demanding and kalorienbewusst and healthy diet. Many diet experts advise their clients to dinner to renounce. The effect is very negative effect on conviviality and joy.
Avoid calorie diet instead, you save all the fat, but do not in the normal meal times and rituals.